German Dictionary

Translation of Zwinkern

zwinkern to blink    ; to wink    
zwinkern to twinkle    
das Zwinkern the wink    

Translation by Vocabulix


blinzeln; zwinkern to wink
blinzeln, zwinkern wink
Zwinkern glimpse

Yesterday, I heard a very good example to explain my point: On their journey more than ten years ago, the presidential couple Mr. and Mrs. Clinton visited Egypt. They were welcomed by the president.
Hemingway is trying to tell us a story about two people cannot fulfill their desires and needs, such as having free sex, drinking alcohol, spending the nights in bars and clubs and generally having fun.
We started to look for other options and found the Salvation Army Boot lodge, which had much larger rooms for half the price. The second and third night we would stay there before moving on.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of zwinkern
zwinkere  zwinkerst  zwinkert  zwinkern  zwinkert  zwinkern  zwinkerte  zwinkertest  zwinkerte  zwinkerten  zwinkertet  zwinkerten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of wink   [ winked, winked ]
Conjugation of blink   [ blinked, blinked ]