German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: The actress struggled with the resentment she felt from the critics. |
Die Schauspielerin litt unter dem Ressentiment, das sie von den Kritikern fühlte. |
She had briefly studied sociology but then decided to become an actress. | Sie hatte kurz Soziologie studiert, sich dann jedoch entschlossen, Schauspielerin zu werden. |
actor; actress | Schauspieler; Schauspielerin; Täter |
actor/ actress | Schauspieler(in) |
an actress | eine Schauspielerin |
actress | Schauschpielerin |
actress | schauspielerin |

The worst thing about starting the day in the main market is that you have to carry everything that you buy for the entire day. We did not want that and quickly returned to our place.
It was very amusing and were authentic. We approached the top of the hill and saw the temple for the first time. Actually one could not see the temple, just the people standing on it.
We had a great day in Bolivia and amazing 3 days in the entire area of Northern chile. It was time to move on and we wanted to go South to the capital of Chile. We were so exhausted from our day trip that we immediately fell asleep.
It was very amusing and were authentic. We approached the top of the hill and saw the temple for the first time. Actually one could not see the temple, just the people standing on it.
We had a great day in Bolivia and amazing 3 days in the entire area of Northern chile. It was time to move on and we wanted to go South to the capital of Chile. We were so exhausted from our day trip that we immediately fell asleep.