German Dictionary

Translation of advance in German

to advance     avancieren; vorrücken
the advance     der Vorschuss; der Vorstoß

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The troops advanced and secretly invaded Belgium.

Die Truppen rückten vor und marschierten heimlich in Belgien ein.
The telephone was considered the most advanced communication system just a few years ago. Noch vor wenigen Jahren war das Telefon das fortgeschrittenste Kommunikationssystem.
to advance vorrücken; befördern; vorantreiben
advance Vorschuss; Beförderung; Entgegenkommen
to advance on auf etw. vorrücken
an advance on einen Vorschuss auf
advance order Vorausbestellung
progress; advance Fortschritt
the advance der Fortschritt
cash advance Barvorschuss
advance in im voraus
advance Vorleistung

The worst thing about starting the day in the main market is that you have to carry everything that you buy for the entire day. We did not want that and quickly returned to our place.
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
Although it was a beautiful region and a very lovely town it reminded me to much of home and I decided that I wanted to move on. We called Aerolinias Argentinas very early to book a flight for the same day.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of advance   [ advanced, advanced ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vorrücken
[bin vorgerückt]
rücke vor  rückst vor  rückt vor  rücken vor  rückt vor  rücken vor  rückte vor  rücktest vor  rückte vor  rückten vor  rücktet vor  rückten vor