German Dictionary

Translation of air in German

to air     lüften
to air     ausstrahlen
the air      die Luft 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
There was a terrible reek in the air.

Da war ein fürchterlicher Gestank in der Luft.
The correspondent in Beijing got arrested on air. Der Berichterstatter in Peking wurde vor laufenden Kameras festgenommen.
John threw the Frisbee, and his dog caught it in mid air. John warf die Frisbeescheibe, und sein Hund schnappte sie aus der Luft.
air pollution Luftverschmutzung; Luftverpestung
hot-air-ballooning Heißluftballon fahren
hot-air-balloon ride Heißluftballonfahrt
air one's heels faulenzen; herumhängen
inflatable air beds aufblasbare Luftbetten
hot-air balloon(1) Heißluftballon
air freight charges Luftfrachtkosten
inflatable air mattress Luftmatratze
air conditioning system Klimaanlage

We had three more days and the city which was plenty of time if not even too much. It is true that this city is unique and that you can spend there over a month, but we started to miss the countryside.
In the autumn of 2006 we flew to South East Asia in order to travel in the region for three weeks. Our first stop was Bangkok airport, where we arrived in the middle of the night, around 4a.m.
I'm divorced and I have three children, two boys one girl. Last year we visited California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. We traveled all this states by car. Next year I wanna do the east coast.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of air   [ aired, aired ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of lüften
lüfte  lüftest  lüftet  lüften  lüftet  lüften  lüftete  lüftetest  lüftete  lüfteten  lüftetet  lüfteten