German Dictionary

Translation of alarm in German

to alarm     alarmieren
the alarm     der Alarm

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
When the tsunami alarm sounded, a stampede broke out at the concert.

Als der Tsunamialarm erklang, ergriffen die Konzertbesucher panisch die Flucht.
travel alarm clock Reisewecker
alarm bells Alarmglocken
alarm system Alarmanlage
alarm alarm

If you want we could keep an contact via email. Have a great day. I am playing piano but i do not play very well as i am learning with a piano teacher. If you give me a little info about your country, I'll be happy.
In addition I felt were uncomfortable with a ten year old girl rowing our boat while we were sitting like stupid tourists there. I offered to row myself and took the girl's rudder. She was happy.
There was an extra seat available (the last one apparently). We were so glad. 45 minutes later we sat in the place, eighty percent of the plane was empty. They really need to update their system.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of alarm   [ alarmed, alarmed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of alarmieren
alarmiere  alarmierst  alarmiert  alarmieren  alarmiert  alarmieren  alarmierte  alarmiertest  alarmierte  alarmierten  alarmiertet  alarmierten