German Dictionary

Translation of area in German

the area     das Gebiet; der Raum
the area     der Flächeninhalt; die Bodenfläche

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
There was a recreational area next to the hotel.

Es gab einen Erholungsbereich beim Hotel.
A metropolitan area like London has infinite supplies of art, culture, and cuisine. Einer Großstadt wie London hat ein endloses Angebot von Kunst, Kultur und Kulinaria.
Avoid ticks in this area because they can carry meningitis. Vermeide in dieser Gegend Zecken, denn sie können Hirnhautentzündung übertragen.
immediate area unmittelbare Umgebung; nächste Umgebung
conservation area Schutzbereich; geschützter Bereich
Waste Storage Area Müll-Lagerhalle
Employee lounge area Aufenthaltsraum
development area Entwicklungsgebiet
business area Geschäftsbereich
industrial area das Industriegebiet
area; surrounding area Umgebung
industrial area Industriegebiet

Then we went to a street where most backpackers would hang out as we wanted to make reservation for a trip that we planned for the next day. There were a lot of travel agents on that street.
The next temple was around forty five minutes away. Its name was Beng Melea. It was placed on a hugh area covered with trees and plans. The buildings of the temple were surrounded by nature.
In Bariloche it took us around 3 hours to find a nice hotel. The prices varied a lot and there were no bargains. We settled for the Hotel Tirol, owned by an Austrian lady. It was a cute place with a lake view.
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