German Dictionary

Translation of ascension in German

the ascension     die Himmelfahrt

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Ascension is the day that Christ ascended to Heaven.

Himmelfahrt ist der Tag, an dem Jesus in den Himmel aufstieg.

There is a little problem: I can't go to Malaga to attend my course because it is fully booked, I have to go to Barca instead, which means I can't even go to there cause it is too far and the plane lands in the afternoon.
We really felt like being in a stupid tourist attraction. The environment was very beautiful but the mass of people would ruin our special moments. Anyway we had one more surprise on the way back.
We had a great day in Bolivia and amazing 3 days in the entire area of Northern chile. It was time to move on and we wanted to go South to the capital of Chile. We were so exhausted from our day trip that we immediately fell asleep.
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