German Dictionary

Translation of bankrupt in German

bankrupt     bankrott

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
When his dogs got rabies, the dog trainer went bankrupt.

Als seine Hunde Tollwut bekamen machte der Hundetrainer bankrott.
to go bankrupt in Konkurs gehen; Konkurs machen; Bankrott machen
to go bankrupt bankrott gehen; pleite gehen
to go bankrupt failliet gaan; pleite gehen
bankrupt insolvent; zahlungsunfähig
to go bankrupt Konkurs anmelden
bankrupt sb. jn. bankrott machen
be bankrupt insolvent sein
go bankrupt bakrott gehen

We were a little worried about the entry to Vietnam because regulations specifically mentioned to leave two blank pages in the passport for the Visa stamp and my wife's passport was full.
We decided to walk back and explore the city on foot. It was hard to cross the streets as there was an endless flow of motorcycles and bikes. One needed to just enter the street and cross it.
Thanks a lot for the correction, they are very helpful and so are you in general. As I mentioned earlier I need more practice to write entire sentences in French and it takes a lot of time.
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