German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Aunt Mauve ate her scone with a thick layer of blueberry jam. |
Tante Mauve aß ihren Scone mit einer dicken Schicht Blaubeermarmelade. |
blueberry | Heidelbeere |

Thanks for the advice but I know this web site. I'm always open to suggestions. Tell me how can I help you with the correct form of words. This is very important owing to the feedback.
Our fisherman stopped the boat and his nine year old girl opened a box with souvenirs, clothes and hats. We were in the middle of a river not going anywhere and had to start buying things.
The town on the other side of the border is called Arica. You immediately see the difference to Peru. Fast food chains, brand names and modern stores appear all over the city.
Our fisherman stopped the boat and his nine year old girl opened a box with souvenirs, clothes and hats. We were in the middle of a river not going anywhere and had to start buying things.
The town on the other side of the border is called Arica. You immediately see the difference to Peru. Fast food chains, brand names and modern stores appear all over the city.
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