German Dictionary

Translation of crash in German

to crash     abstürzen; krachen
the crash     der Krach
the crash     der Absturz; der Zusammenbruch

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Sample sentences:
The Cadillac crashed head-on into the record store.

Der Cadillac krachte frontal in den Plattenladen.
The woof destroyed the left wall and crashed straight through the book shelf. Der Einschuss zerstörte die linke Wand und krachte direkt durch das Bücherregal hindurch.
to crash into sth in etwas reinfahren
to collide; crash zusammenstoßen
multi-vehicle crash Massenkarambolage
crash Zusammenbruch; Börsencrash
car accident; car crash Autounfall
to crash abstürzen (Computer)
(crash) helmet Schutz- Schutzhelm
crash crumple zone Knautschzone
the crash-helmet der Sturzhelm
crash down krachend landen auf

I was never there but I heard that the night life is very exiting. I am going to Amsterdam next year with my uncle. He will return to his house where he was born. I think to come to germany next year but I don have any idea
We drove back to the city and this time our bus driver went even crazier. We prayed for the ride to be over. We arrived safely two hours later and rushed back to our house not even complaining.
We stood there in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere not exactly knowing what to do next and where we arrived. We had to look for a place to sleep. The village did not have any paved streets.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of crash   [ crashed, crashed ]