German Dictionary

Translation of careful in German

careful     sorgfältig
careful     achtsam

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Careful, I dropped a tack when I put up the poster!

Vorsicht, ich habe einen Reißnagel fallen lassen, als ich das Poster aufgehängt habe!
The recipe is quite complex and requires careful measuring of all ingredients. Das Rezept ist recht kompliziert und erfordert sorgfältiges Abmessen aller Zutaten.
Mercury is being used in a variety of medical instruments but needs careful handling. Quecksilber wird in einer Vielzahl von medizinischen Instrumenten benutzt, muss aber mit Sorgfalt gehandhabt werden.
watch out! Attention!; Be careful!; (n) die Achtung
to pay attention to; heed; be careful achten auf
careful - carefully sorgfältig; vorsichtig
careful, cautious vorsichtig (2 Wörter)
careful vorsichtig; sorgfältig
careful, thorough sorgfältig
careful sorgfältig, sorgsam
careful / cautious vorsichtig
Careful/Cautious Vorsichtig

I entered yet another suite. This one had a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a huge sleeping room. The view was excellent, overlooking one of Saigon's largest and most impressive boulevards.
After ten minutes and after drinking a bottle of water we returned to our place. It was already three in the morning. We were unhappy to miss a great party, but our physical conditions were bad.
The counter opened 45 minutes before take-off, and we really had to beg the ground personal to check for another seat. They were friendly, but nonetheless we felt that they would do us a favor.
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