German Dictionary

Translation of cast in German

to cast     auswerfen; werfen
the cast     der Gips; der Gipsverband; die Besetzung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The cat cast a giant shadow onto the moonlit porch.

Die Katze warf einen riesigen Schatten auf die vom Mond beleuchtete Veranda.
The sycamore cast a large shadow on our house. Der Ahorn warf einen großen Schatten auf unser Haus.
to cast one's vote seine Stimme abgeben
to cast a vote Stimmzettel abgeben
cast lots das los entscheidet
cast Besetzung, Mitwirkende
cast iron Gußeisen
cast; cast werfen; warf
cast werfen; auswerfen
cast Küste

At around two o'clock we arrived at the main attraction. It was the Angkor Wat itself. An amazing view captured our eyes when we entered the gates and saw this wonderful palace in front of us.
It seemed that the fisherman and his daughter did not intend to keep on rowing unless we would buy something and we were really annoyed by that and did not hide it. In the end they passed.
A band was playing Peruvian music while we were waiting for our luggage. The altitude is immediately felt: Dark blue skies and thin air, which won't let you climb stairs without having to take a few breaks.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cast   [ cast, cast ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of werfen
werfe  wirfst  wirft  werfen  werft  werfen  warf  warfst  warf  warfen  warft  warfen