German Dictionary

Translation of chain in German

to chain     fesseln
the chain      die Kette 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The leather bra was held up by silver chains.

Der Leder-BH wurde von silbernen Kettchen festgehalten.
The children were unable to chain the pony to the pole. Die Kinder schafften es nicht, das Pony an den Pfahl zu binden.
supply chain Lieferkette; Wertschöpfungskette
to connect; to join; to chain verbinden
to chain-smoke Kettenraucher/in sein
chain-link fence Maschendrahtzaun
chain Fessel; Kette; Schneekette
retail chain Einzelhanelskette
thurible chain Rauchfasskette
chain reaction Kettenreaktion
chain saw Kettensäge
chain store Handelskette

it was very hot and very cool and very long. I will go to Mallorca at the end of June only for a week... but it is enough.... the sun, beach and water, coast... uuuhhh. For my job I use German and English language.
I was very busy during the last month. I had to write some letters to find a new job. Thanks for your message yesterday evening! Where do you life in the USA? I have never been there, not yet, buy I will one day.
It was a two hour flight above the vast area of Patagonia. On the left side of the flight path there were mostly arid areas, some covered in snow. On the right side of the airplane were the mountains.
Lately viewed by others: cheerless    chronology    clear    cocoon    commendable    compulsory    conic    contingency    cornerstone    covered   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of chain   [ chained, chained ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of fesseln
fessle  fesselst  fesselt  fesseln  fesselt  fesseln  fesselte  fesseltest  fesselte  fesselten  fesseltet  fesselten