German Dictionary

Translation of clear in German

to clear     roden; räumen
clear      klar 
clear     deutlich; hell; klar; rein
clear     übersichtlich

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Her complexion was incredibly clear and peachy.

Ihr Teint war unglaublich klar und pfirsichähnlich.
The first night it became clear that Mischa was a horrible lush. Am ersten Abend stellte sich heraus, dass Mischa eine schlimme Säuferin war.
It was clear that Heinz had tampered with the books. Es war offensichtlich, dass Heinz unerlaubte Änderungen an den Geschäftsbüchern vorgenommen hatte.
clear, unambiguous; claro (2da); inequivoco, obvio eindeutig
to clear frei machen; ausräumen; abräumen
clear; claro (1ra); obvio, articulado deutlich
clear; claro (3ra); evidente, obviamente klar
to clear a cheque einen Scheck einlösen
clear up; explain; aclarar (1ra) klären
to clear one's throat sich räuspern
clear a bar eine Latte überspringen
a clear conscience ein reines Gewissen

I'm very interested in learning languages. I'm learning English,German and french as well as Japanese. My native language is Spanish. Yes is very nice living here. What do you think about the Mexican people?
I wish you a good trip, when you come to Germany in June! How do you long stay in Berlin? Please help me with my English, in return I will help you with your German. Wish you a nice day!
Does that give you enough information to get started with? If you would like to receive more information ask your private teacher, I am sure she knows all of it. Kind regards to your family.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of clear   [ cleared, cleared ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of räumen
räume  räumst  räumt  räumen  räumt  räumen  räumte  räumtest  räumte  räumten  räumtet  räumten