German Dictionary

Translation of chickpea in German

the chickpea     die Kichererbse

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Countess Iman was of the opinion that chickpeas were no food for aristocrats.

Gräfin Iman war der Meinung, dass Kichererbsen keine Speise für Adlige waren.

The place was really modern and the food was excellent. We later found out that the restaurant belonged to a chain with the same name and was present all over the country and pretty popular.
A flew hours later we landed in Siem Reap. The land around us was amazingly green and the weather was very humid. We were still in shock while driving into the city center with our driver.
As my wife is a travel agent, and knows that in certain cases people do not show up, we decided to take a taxi to the airport nonetheless. It was actually not far from the border, about 5 kilometers away.
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