German Dictionary

Translation of clobber in German

to clobber     verprügeln

Translation by Vocabulix


clobber; clothing; kit die Klamotten

If someone tells me to try a delicacy I won't eat it although I have never tried it. It took me twenty year to try Sushi and yes I love it. My friends tell me that I am conservative and stubborn.
First of all they gave me some chicken, which the mother has cooked especially for me. Well, the bizarre thing was that they did not join me while I was eating because I had a different meal.
We have cut the description though, since it was too long. However, we would like to change the description again, by adding a geographic spot in it or telling the user that it is E-learning.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verprügeln
verprügle  verprügelst  verprügelt  verprügeln  verprügelt  verprügeln  verprügelte  verprügeltest  verprügelte  verprügelten  verprügeltet  verprügelten