German Dictionary

Translation of coach in German

to coach     trainieren
the coach      der Reisebus 
the coach     die Kutsche

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Coach Mike Johnson changed the lineup three hours before the game.

Drei Stunden vor dem Spiel änderte Trainer Mike Johnson die Aufstellung.
He told his coach she wasn't his girlfriend but his mascot. Er sagte seinem Trainer, sie sei nicht seine Freundin sondern sein Maskottchen.
After they lost the game, the basketball coach scolded the team. Nachdem sie das Spiel verloren hatten, schalt der Basketballtrainer das Team.
singing coach; singing teacher Gesangslehrer/in
coach Omnibus; Eisenbahnwagen; Trainer
the singing coach der Gesangslehrer
the coach(es) die Kutsche, Kutschen
carriage; coach Personenwaggon, 2
a coach ein Reisebus/eine Kutsche
the bus; the coach der Reisebus
by coach mit dem Reisebus
coach Trainer;Trainerin

Hi, I think it might be easier just to correct your letter here, and then I'll send you another email. I'm really sorry but I don't think you are old! What are you up to? Everything else is an individual decision...
Nevertheless, I agreed to go there and check it out. It looked much better than the one that we booked in advance and we decided to stay there for two nights. It had a great pool and we were welcomed with drinks.
Hi George, I speak a little bit of English but not very well. Can you correct my mistakes if I have any? I will help you with German. Writing is important, it helps to focus. Thank you for your answer.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of coach   [ coached, coached ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of trainieren
trainiere  trainierst  trainiert  trainieren  trainiert  trainieren  trainierte  trainiertest  trainierte  trainierten  trainiertet  trainierten