German Dictionary

Translation of Cologne in German

the cologne     das Eau de Cologne; das Kölnischwasser
Cologne     Köln

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Her cologne was so strong, it made him sick.

Ihr Eau de Cologne roch so stark, dass ihm davon schlecht wurde.

Sometimes you forget one word and this makes the entire sentence sound differently. That means that you need to read each email before sending it twice at least if you want to be on the safe side every time.
I have not installed ICQ, unfortunately, but I know many people who use other means of communication, perhaps I can down load it! Currently I am unemployed, I have worked as a waitress.
My name is Anita and I live in Bremen (which lies in the north of Germany). Do you know it? Where do you live in Spain? I'm 28 years old and I have a son who is 3 years old. His name is Patrick.
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