German Dictionary

Translation of conspire in German

to conspire     verschwören

Translation by Vocabulix


We spoke on Friday noon, I got your details through Vocabulix friends. That is similar to what you're teacher is using. It would be best if we could meet or communicate through phone or email.
Good luck with your studies in February, say hello to Nina and a kiss to Rose. Enjoy the great first moments..., they are all unique and unforgettable. Being mama fits you great! Happy for you.
San Telmo and Bocca were two additional neighborhoods that we have visited and these were actually quite nice. We were warned by the staff of our hotel to be alert in these neighborhoods as there were many thieves.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of conspire   [ conspired, conspired ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verschwören
verschwöre  verschwörst  verschwört  verschwören  verschwört  verschwören  verschwor  verschworst  verschwor  verschworen  verschwort  verschworen