German Dictionary

Translation of direct in German

to direct     anweisen; richten
direct     direkt; unmittelbar

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Writing this article seemed like the most direct path towards prestige in his field.

Diesen Artikel zu schreiben war der direkteste Weg zum Prestige in seinem Gebiet.
straightforward; direct; cordial aufrichtig; direkt; ehrlich
direct, lead; conducir; dirigir (2da) führen
direct debiting service Abbuchungsverfahren
direct debit Direktabbuchung; Lastschrift
direct; conducir; dirigir (1ra) leiten
direct rule Verwaltung Nordirlands
direct provider Direktanbieter
to direct führen; leiten
direct line Direktverbindung
to direct Regie führen
direct gerade, unmittelbar

We decided to the the super deluxe suite but once the reception clown told us that we could not have it without surcharge we decided to take the second best room for the price that we paid.
Nice to meet you. I am learning English but my English is very bad, we could exchange messages in Spanish. I have got all the chat applications on my laptop. Sorry again for writing with many mistakes.
We than found out that a plane was leaving 3 hours later to the city of Calama (with the national airline), which was the closest airport to our destination. However, only one seat was available. That was really annoying.
Most common translations: dismantling    dodo    drag    duplicitous    education    email    endoscope    equality    everyday    expenditure   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of direct   [ directed, directed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of anweisen
weise an  weist an  weist an  weisen an  weist an  weisen an  wies an  wiesest an  wies an  wiesen an  wieset an  wiesen an     
Conjugation of richten
richte  richtest  richtet  richten  richtet  richten  richtete  richtetest  richtete  richteten  richtetet  richteten