German Dictionary

Translation of crack in German

to crack     aufschlagen
to crack     krachen
the crack     der Knall; der Sprung
the crack     der Ritz

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The skillful parrot manages to crack the peanut shell without dropping the peanut.

Der geschickte Papagei schafft es, die Erdnussschale zu knacken, ohne dabei die Erdnuss fallen zu lassen.
to crack anknacksen; einen Sprung bekommen
crack down on investigate closely
crack up burst out laughing
gap; crack; slot Spalt
crack zusammen brechen
crack down on control
crack (das) Krachen
crack Crack

I wish we can meet when you come to Malaga, and we can have a nice time together and I can cook nice Spanish food for u too. C u soon. I hope you are fine, was just waiting for your email but maybe you are busy.
We drove back to the city and this time our bus driver went even crazier. We prayed for the ride to be over. We arrived safely two hours later and rushed back to our house not even complaining.
The next morning we got up a little later than usual. After leaving our room we recognized that this town and region was stunning. Desert and high volcanoes all around us. The place was superb.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of crack   [ cracked, cracked ]