German Dictionary

Translation of crew in German

the crew     die Besatzung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
In Maui, the crew went ashore for the first time in six weeks.

In Maui ging die Mannschaft zum ersten Mal seit sechs Wochen an Land.
The motley crew of musicians was a jolly sight. Die bunte Gruppe von Musikanten war ein lustiger Anblick.
The skipper warned his crew not to drink too much before the storm. Der Kapitän warnte seine Mannschaft, vor dem Sturm nicht zu viel zu trinken.
crew member das Besatzungsmitglied
crew Besatzung; Crew; Mannschaft
crew die Besatzung; die Crew
cabin crew Kabinenbesatzung
crew Besatzung, Mannschaft
crew Team

He did not understand what we meant, as he claimed that our team won 2-1. It was then that I found out that I had missed a goal when I was in the bathroom and my wife forgot to tell me about it.
We drove back to the city and this time our bus driver went even crazier. We prayed for the ride to be over. We arrived safely two hours later and rushed back to our house not even complaining.
We had decided to fly to Lima (instead of Buenos Aires, Argentina) and to visit Machu Picchu just a few weeks before leaving Europe.
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