German Dictionary

Translation of crossing in German

the crossing     die Kreuzung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Crossing the lake of Zurich by swimming takes 40 minutes on average.

Den See in Zürich schwimmend zu überqueren dauert etwa 40 Minuten im Durchschnitt.
pedestrian crossing Fußgängerübergang; Fußgängerüberweg
crossing; crossroad; crossroads Uebergang; Kreuzung; Querstrasse
crossing Bahn übergang, Kreuzung
at every crossing an jeder Kreuzung
railway crossing Bahnübergang
Level crossing Eisenbahn kreuzt
crossing überfahrt

Our main destination was not Cambodia and we had actually decided in the last minute to add this country to our trip. We were very happy about our decision and enjoyed every moment here.
We drove back to the city and this time our bus driver went even crazier. We prayed for the ride to be over. We arrived safely two hours later and rushed back to our house not even complaining.
We shivered, sweat and vomited the entire night. In addition we had the worst room in the worst hotel in town: Hostal Resbalosa.
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