German Dictionary

Translation of discourage in German

to discourage     entmutigen
to discourage     abschrecken

Translation by Vocabulix


discourage abraten; abhalten; entmutigen
to discourage, deter abschrecken

We spoke on Friday noon, I got your details through Vocabulix friends. That is similar to what you're teacher is using. It would be best if we could meet or communicate through phone or email.
Good to hear, where are you moving to? Finally NY, or to Vancouver? Lets you sleep at night... don't get too excited... that may change... Will you be working too? Or simply enjoying motherhood?
We did not feel any danger at all and found the area very attractive. Especially Bocca with its colorful building appealed to us. In addition, we found out that Maradonna was the king of this neighborhood.
Most common translations: distraction    dormancy    drone    earwax    elapse    emptiness    enterprise    essay    excuse    extirpate   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of discourage   [ discouraged, discouraged ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of entmutigen
entmutige  entmutigst  entmutigt  entmutigen  entmutigt  entmutigen  entmutigte  entmutigtest  entmutigte  entmutigten  entmutigtet  entmutigten