German Dictionary

Translation of dislodge in German

to dislodge     vertreiben

Translation by Vocabulix


There are about fifty families who are having very tight connections. Too tight in my opinion. It's like a small town in this aspect. Joanna though is very satisfied with the place and the atmosphere.
They wanted to know everything about relationships in Switzerland. One of the asked me of how guys propose friendships to girls. I did not know what she meant and explained that we were very informal.
On our last day we went to visit Stanley, a small town on Honk Kong island, actually on the other side of the mountain. The ride to the town was nice but the town itself was nothing special.
Most common translations: documents    drachma    dunk    edit    else    endocrinologist    epistemology    eventuate    expected    facility   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of dislodge   [ dislodged, dislodged ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vertreiben
vertreibe  vertreibst  vertreibt  vertreiben  vertreibt  vertreiben  vertrieb  vertriebst  vertrieb  vertrieben  vertriebt  vertrieben