German Dictionary

Translation of elimination in German

the elimination     der Ausschluss; die Ausscheidung; die Beseitigung; die Entfernung

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
After the elimination of this mechanical problem, the machine worked again.

Nach der Beseitigung dieses mechanischen Problems funktionierte die Maschine wieder.

I have started learning only one month ago, that was during the summer holidays, I want to go to Canada for three weeks and then participate in a course. I hope that I will improve it more or less.
I am considering an additional project for our website, called 'the better option'. Basically it would be writing something about Spanish or English grammar. Would you be interested in participating? I met great people there.
Can you recommend Spanish films and Spanish newspapers? I want to watch movies and read newspapers to improve my language, and these are means that are fun. Well then. Bye. Please respond quickly.
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