German Dictionary

Translation of exercise in German

the exercise     die Aufgabe; die Übung

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He was obsessive about exercising every morning before work.

Er war zwanghaft, was sein Workout morgens vor der Arbeit anging.
The doctor needs to know every single detail about your exercise regime. Der Arzt muss jedes Detail deines Sportprogramms kennen.
In some areas luge fans can exercise their hobby summer and winter. In manchen Gegenden können Rodelfans ihrem Hobby sowohl im Winter als auch im Sommer nachgehen.
take exercise; to take exercise sich bewegen; Sport treiben
combination exercise Kombinationsübung
exercise book Arbeitsheft, Übungsheft
exercise book Übungsheft, Schulheft
exercise Übung, Übungsaufgabe
to do some exercise Übungen machen
an exercise book ein Übungsheft
exercise price Ausführungspreis
exercise Leibesübung, Bewegung

The places we have been to were very different from the one we saw in the other country. It looked less poor and much more orgnaized although not every one could tell the difference. Funny.
i am student in Zurich. i think that you can learn Spanish quickly. I also registered just a month ago in order to practice some Spanish. i hope i will improve my Spanish soon at this website. We can do it together?
In Colorado there are amazing mountains, belonging to the Rocky Mountains and in New Mexico you have the really gorgeous desert areas. Some other states there have also large desert areas.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of exercise   [ exercised, exercised ]