German Dictionary

Translation of fill in German

to fill      füllen 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They dredged the pond and filled it with concrete.

Sie baggerten den Teich aus und füllten ihn mit Beton.
The soul is the wonderful entity that fills our lives with meaning. Die Seele ist das wunderbares Gebilde, das unser Leben bedeutungsvoll macht.
This shop's specialty is dates filled with goat cheese and thyme. Die Spezialität dieses Ladens sind Datteln gefüllt mit Ziegenkäse und Thymian.
to fill in ausfüllen, einfüllen
fill (in) füllen auffüllen
to fill in for einspringen für
fill out ausfüllen (Formular)
to fill füllen, erfüllen
fill in ausfüllen,eintragen
fill anfüllen, füllen
fill plombieren, füllen
fill in etwas ausfüllen

Sorry, I don't know but I have asked some friends for help. Hope they will answer soon! Where did you find this sentence? He's originally from Scotland, so I hope you can understand his accent.
I'm from Switzerland and I speak German as mother-language. I will try to help you to learn German! We speak French, Italian and German in our country. I heard that in the US Spanish is becoming more popular.
At around 6pm. we were back at the Chilean border and we were happy to change cars (to the mini bus again) and seeing a paved road. It took us another hour to get back to our hotel.
Most common translations: fried    grade    hearing    idle    jet    leisure time    management    monitor    noodles    page   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of fill   [ filled, filled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of füllen
fülle  füllst  füllt  füllen  füllt  füllen  füllte  fülltest  füllte  füllten  fülltet  füllten