German Dictionary

Translation of flour in German

the flour     das Mehl

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
If the dough is still gooey, add more flour.

Sollte der Teig immer noch klebrig sein, fügen Sie mehr Mehl hinzu.
The flour we need for the biscuits contains gluten. Das Mehl, das wir für die Kekse brauchen enthält Kleber.
toss in flour; coat with flour in Mehl wenden
self-raising flour Mehl mit Backpulver
wholemeal flour Vollkornmehl
white flour Weizenmehl
brown flour Roggenmehl

The airport was huge, compared to Siem Reap's one, of course. We expected something similar to Bangkok's airfield but it was completely different. We stood in line for the passport control.
There are many lakes situated throughout the center. The entire atmosphere here was more relaxed. Our first spot was the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum. In addition there was a small Pagoda nearby.
Burlington in Vermont is one of the healthiest cities in the entire United States of America. The capital of Vermont is Montpellier. Apart from that Vermont offers a lot of green hills and many lakes.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of flour   [ floured, floured ]