German Dictionary
English | German |
stand up; get up; levantarse | aufstehen |
get up; got up; got up | aufstehen |
get up | aufstehen (am Morgen) |
to get up to | etwas anstellen |
to get up | aufstehen |
get up | aufstehen |
get up | los gehen |

Your ask why i am learning English ? I made a trip two years ago, a vacation in a foreign country and I could not speak with other people. That was very bad for me. When I came back home I began to study English.
Please correct me, if i misspelled something! Where are you living? What are you doing in your life? I hope it's okay if i correct your mistakes. I wish you could do the same for me, it will help my writing skills.
The same night we went to a great restaurant in town (near the main street). We met a very friendly couple in their fifties from Buenos Aires. They told us many interesting stories about Argentina.
Please correct me, if i misspelled something! Where are you living? What are you doing in your life? I hope it's okay if i correct your mistakes. I wish you could do the same for me, it will help my writing skills.
The same night we went to a great restaurant in town (near the main street). We met a very friendly couple in their fifties from Buenos Aires. They told us many interesting stories about Argentina.