German Dictionary

Translation of hail in German

to hail     hageln
the hail     der Hagel

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The rooftop had some hail damage.

Das Hausdach hatte einige Hagelschäden.
to hail a taxi einTaxi anhalten
hail from kommen aus
[the] hail der Hagel
hail hagel

So it tipped excessively. I mean, she was around sixty or seventy years old. Anyway, we left the boat and embarked on a larger one which took us to a hidden community in the middle of the delta.
Which language are you speaking? What do you do in your leisure time? Do you have any pets? I have a little dog named 'Wagner' and he is very cute. Funny name, isn't it? Email me back as soon as you can.
Well, being the first time in South America, especially Peru, gives you a little shock in the first few hours. Already at the airport everybody wants something ($$$) from you
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of hail   [ hailed, hailed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of hageln
hagle  hagelst  hagelt  hageln  hagelt  hageln  hagelte  hageltest  hagelte  hagelten  hageltet  hagelten