German Dictionary
English | German |
The Hare(s) or Rabbit(s) | Der Hase, Hasen |

So it tipped excessively. I mean, she was around sixty or seventy years old. Anyway, we left the boat and embarked on a larger one which took us to a hidden community in the middle of the delta.
There were too many of these children and they were determined to sell us a can of Coca Cola. All means were legitimate, even shaking our boat, so that we would be scared of falling into the water.
And we could not see a thing outside the bus. The bus stopped two hours later at 11pm at our final destination, San Pedro. We took our backpacks and left the bus. The bus drove away into the dark night.
There were too many of these children and they were determined to sell us a can of Coca Cola. All means were legitimate, even shaking our boat, so that we would be scared of falling into the water.
And we could not see a thing outside the bus. The bus stopped two hours later at 11pm at our final destination, San Pedro. We took our backpacks and left the bus. The bus drove away into the dark night.
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