German Dictionary

Translation of haul in German

to haul     schleppen
the haul     der Fang

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Some sea lions were resting at the wharf when we got back from our haul.

Ein paar Seelöwen ruhten sich am Kai aus, als wir von unserem Fang zurückkamen.
to haul schleppen; ziehen
haul ziehen; zerren
haul die Beute

So it tipped excessively. I mean, she was around sixty or seventy years old. Anyway, we left the boat and embarked on a larger one which took us to a hidden community in the middle of the delta.
We agreed to meet the next day at seven thirty to avoid the crowds at the entrance. Dinner was great. We went to a restaurant on the main street. The building was French architecture.
The American girls came with T-shirt and sandals, not exactly the right equipment for a trip 5000 meter over sea level and minus 10 degrees outside temperature during the day. Anyway, the landscape was fantastic.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of haul   [ hauled, hauled ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schleppen
schleppe  schleppst  schleppt  schleppen  schleppt  schleppen  schleppte  schlepptest  schleppte  schleppten  schlepptet  schleppten