German Dictionary

Translation of schleppen

schleppen to tow    ; to haul    ; to drag    ; to tug    
schleppen to lug [coll]

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er schleppte die schwere Schaufel zur anderen Seite des Gartens herüber.

He dragged the heavy shovel to the other side of the garden.
Ich musste meinen Koffer durch das Londoner U-Bahnsystem schleppen. I had to lug my suitcase through the London Underground system.
schleppen drag; carry (with effort); arrastrar
schleppen; schleifen; sich hinziehen drag
ziehen; schleppen; zerren drag; dragged

Dear Arnold, please send me David's contact details. I will arrange a meeting and present him the machine, so that he will know how to operate it properly. Thanks again and all the best.
The tour started soon and we first visited the ruins nearby, which was a ten minutes drive. A tour guide introduced us to each and every pyramid and told us stories about practically every stone.
In the evening we drove up to the Victoria peak and hiked on the trails around the main view point. The view in the late afternoon was spectacular and after sunset, with all the lights it was breathtaking.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schleppen
schleppe  schleppst  schleppt  schleppen  schleppt  schleppen  schleppte  schlepptest  schleppte  schleppten  schlepptet  schleppten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of drag   [ dragged, dragged ]
Conjugation of haul   [ hauled, hauled ]
Conjugation of tow   [ towed, towed ]
Conjugation of tug   [ tugged, tugged ]