German Dictionary

Translation of health in German

the health      die Gesundheit 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
We do not cater to the masses - only to local health food stores.

Wir versorgen nicht die Massen sondern nur lokale Reformhäuser.
Many people in Puna are health conscious raw foodists. Viele Leute in Puna sind gesundheitsbewusste Rohkostesser.
Kiwis are great for your health and beauty. Kiwis sind wunderbar für Gesundheit und Schönheit.
occupational health Arbeitsmedizin; berufliche Gesundheit
health insurance; medical insurance Krankenversicherung
the health care die Gesundheitspflege
health certificate Gesundheitszeugnis
health food shop Reformhaus/Bioladen
health problems Gesundheitsprobleme
health care scheme Gesundheitswesen
health and safety Arbeitsschutz
health care Gesundheitsvorsorge

Hamburg is a very beautiful city and i have a friend studying in that university. I hope you can enjoy your live and studying there. I have been teaching in a language school for a while. But in one month I am going to be in Hanover again.
I learn things really fast and easily. I also know Italian well. I can make whole conversations in Italian. You are a fast learner, because Italian is a hard language to learn, especially for German speakers.
I'm writing you in English because I don't have a lot of time and writing in German will take me a long time. Just a few corrections: you can not say in English How you do, you need to say How do you do...
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