German Dictionary

Translation of help in German

to help      helfen 
the help      die Hilfe 
the help     der Beistand
help!      Hilfe! 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Pre-school helps children to accustom themselves to regular schooling.

Die Vorschule hilft Kindern, sich an den regulären Schulbetrieb zu gewöhnen.
This souvenir will help you relive the lucky moments. Dieses Andenken soll dich die Glücksmomente wieder erleben lassen.
The repellent didn't really help against this type of mosquito. Das Insektenschutzmittel half nicht wirklich gegen diese Art von Mücken.
assistance, support; help; aid die Förderung
self-help project Selbsthilfeprojekt
please help yourself Selbstbedienung
to need help Hilfe benötigen
to call for help um Hilfe rufen
Please, help us. Bitte, hilf uns.
help; assistance (die) Hilfe
a call for help ein Hilferuf
help yourself sich bedienen

I'm looking to move to Spain in the summer and hoping to visit my friend in Barcelona before then so I was hoping to have the basics done by then. I've always wanted to learn another language, but we are not pushed enough in the US.
For me it's a really I nice way to learn English vocabulary, verbs and grammar. I created a new vocabulary lesson about leisure and health. There are many words in that lesson.
The same night we went to a great restaurant in town (near the main street). We met a very friendly couple in their fifties from Buenos Aires. They told us many interesting stories about Argentina.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of help   [ helped, helped ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of helfen
helfe  hilfst  hilft  helfen  helft  helfen  half  halfst  half  halfen  halft  halfen