German Dictionary

Translation of helpful in German

helpful     hilfreich
helpful     behilflich; hilfsbereit; zuvorkommend

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Whenever I needed support, our pastor has been most helpful.

Wann immer ich Unterstützung braucht hat sich unser Pastor als äußerst hilfreich erwiesen.
helpful nützlich; hilfreich
helpful, cooperative hilfsbereit
helpful hilfreich;nützlich
helpful hilfreich; behilflich
useful; helpful nützlich
helpful; (*)(1) behilflich

If you want we could keep an contact via email. Have a great day. I am playing piano but i do not play very well as i am learning with a piano teacher. If you give me a little info about your country, I'll be happy.
Our bus was completely full and we were the only Europeans on our tour. There were also Americans and people from South Korea. The driver took us to a place called Tam Coc. He drove like an idiot.
We than found out that a plane was leaving 3 hours later to the city of Calama (with the national airline), which was the closest airport to our destination. However, only one seat was available. That was really annoying.
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