German Dictionary

Translation of behilflich

behilflich assistant    ; collaborative    ; helpful    

Translation by Vocabulix


behilflich, ergänzend,; unterstützend; die Niederlassung, Filiale subsidiary
behilflich sein; (s.) befreunden befriend
behilflich sein to be of assistance
behilflich collaborative; helpfull
hilfbereit, behilflich helpful
behilflich,hilfreich helpful
behilflich helpful; (*)(1)

So you have taken a German course in the Ghoete Institute. Well, I certainly learned something with you, and your German is already a lot better than last time. I think we really did it.
I've also looked at the interface, and found it a good idea to include the colloquial option. Would it be very complicated to add the most important regional check box, like Spain, South America or Central America?
I have been studying Hungarian for one month. I also speak English, German and Latin. Hungarian would be my fourth language, and it gives me headache. I still can not say anything, not even one word.
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