German Dictionary

Translation of highlight in German

to highlight     markieren
the highlight     der Clou
the highlight     der Höhepunkt

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The glucose pills were the highlight of aunt Annie's day.

Die Traubenzuckerpillen waren der Höhepunkt von Tante Annies Tag.
highlight Höhepunkt/markieren

I am sorry that I did not respond to your last email you sooner. Have you been busy with your work? Do you have any meetings or travel planned? I have friends around the world and they call me Mike.
In the end of the day we went to visit the Vietnam war museum. It is actually called the American war museum. It gives the Western visitors a different point of view of the events forty years ago.
We first took a regular bus to the border, which was basically just an empty building. There we switched to Jeeps, as the terrain was rocky. In our group there were 4 American girls and us.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of highlight   [ highlighted, highlighted ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of markieren
markiere  markierst  markiert  markieren  markiert  markieren  markierte  markiertest  markierte  markierten  markiertet  markierten