German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: Behind the small door, the tree trunk was hollow. |
Hinter dem Türchen war der Baumstamm hohl. |
a hollow promise | ein leeres Versprechen |
hollow cheeks | eingefallene Wangen |
hollow profile | Hohlprofile |
hollow out | aushöhlen |
hollow words | leere worte |
hollow | die Höhle |
hollow | ici bos; cukur |
hollow | Kehle; Mulde |
hollow | hohl dumpf |

He was asking the doormen to let us and our friends from Holland in, and so they did. In addition, the guy we met was paying our entrance or got us a free entrance. We do not know and probably never will.
Our bus was completely full and we were the only Europeans on our tour. There were also Americans and people from South Korea. The driver took us to a place called Tam Coc. He drove like an idiot.
We walked almost every alley in Cusco, stunned by its beauty and ignoring the developing altitude thickness, which resulted in the most horrible night of our lives.
Our bus was completely full and we were the only Europeans on our tour. There were also Americans and people from South Korea. The driver took us to a place called Tam Coc. He drove like an idiot.
We walked almost every alley in Cusco, stunned by its beauty and ignoring the developing altitude thickness, which resulted in the most horrible night of our lives.
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