German Dictionary

Translation of jacket in German

the jacket      die Jacke 
the jacket     der Mantel

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Her bright red jacket shone through the grey winter day like the sun.

Ihre leuchtend rote Jacke strahlte durch den grauen Wintertag wie die Sonne.
500 dollars had been sewn into the sleeves of the jacket. 500 Dollar waren in die Ärmel der Jacke eingenäht worden.
The jacket was slightly too big so I decided to take it to the tailor. Die Jacke war etwas zu groß und ich entschloss mich sie dem Schneider zu bringen.
the jacket(s) die Jacke, Jacken
a jacket eine Jacke,ein Sakko
jacket Jacke, Jackett, Sakko
evening jacket Sakko, Jacket
male suit jacket das Sakko
sports jacket Sportjacke
jacket Jacke, Sakko
Jacket die Jacke

Hamburg is a very beautiful city and i have a friend studying in that university. I hope you can enjoy your live and studying there. I have been teaching in a language school for a while. But in one month I am going to be in Hanover again.
In the end we decided to try something new, and although we are not great "fans" of South East Asia, we agreed on going to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and if there would be enough time Hong Kong.
The next two hours we were busy with moving our stuff to our new place and organizing our trip to Machu Picchu for the next day.
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