German Dictionary

Translation of owe in German

to owe      schulden 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
After this game he owed him a rematch.

Nach diesem Spiel schuldete er ihm eine Revanche.
to owe schulden; schuldig sein; verdanken
to owe money Geld schulden
to owe schuldig zijn
(to) owe schulden
To Owe Verdanken

Friends, Family and similar relationships you are saying mostly "Du". Young people too. In the city, on the phone, school, at work and in the bank always say "Sie" for now.
In the end we decided to try something new, and although we are not great "fans" of South East Asia, we agreed on going to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and if there would be enough time Hong Kong.
I'm writing you in English because I don't have a lot of time and writing in German will take me a long time. Just a few corrections: you can not say in English How you do, you need to say How do you do...
Do you know the meaning of? photography    president    rare    rhinoceros    seat belt    silly    south    string    talkative    tin   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of owe   [ owed, owed ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schulden
schulde  schuldest  schuldet  schulden  schuldet  schulden  schuldete  schuldetest  schuldete  schuldeten  schuldetet  schuldeten