German Dictionary

Translation of jerk in German

to jerk     zucken
the jerk     der Ruck

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
With a jerk, the tram finally started moving again.

Mit einem Ruck begann sich die Straßenbahn endlich wieder zu bewegen.
jerk Blödmann; Trottel
to jerk zucken
jerk trottel

We had never been so close to monkeys and they seemed to play with us. We threw bananas into the trees which were elegantly captured by these little monkeys. It was really funny and new to us.
The best place to eat for us was the Tamarin cafe. The atmosphere was really a backpackers atmosphere, but with style. People were sitting there with laptops and and travel guide books.
We visited the Inca Ruins on the mountains near Pisac: A taxi took us to the top and we walked all the way back down to Pisac (which by the way is not an easy task on day 2 at this altitude)
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of jerk   [ jerked, jerked ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of zucken
zucke  zuckst  zuckt  zucken  zuckt  zucken  zuckte  zucktest  zuckte  zuckten  zucktet  zuckten