German Dictionary

Translation of kilometer in German

the kilometer      der Kilometer 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The nearest supermarket was 30 kilometers away from our house.

Der nächste Supermarkt lag 30 Kilometer weit von unserem Haus entfernt.
square kilometre; square kilometer Quadratkilometer
the kilometer(s) der Kilometer
de kilometer Kilometer

I thought it would have been nice to meet each other in person. Do you prefer to teach adults or children? Of course, I want to learn more English and I can help you to learn more German.
thanks for the compliment! Can you understand me when I write in English? Spanish sounds so beautiful when spoken. I would really like to be able to speak Spanish fluently, since I am planning a trip to Peru.
The border control was in the middle of the Andes mountains, at an elevation of around 2000 meters above sea level. The forest around us was covered with snow and the scenery was breathtaking.
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