German Dictionary

Translation of ladybug in German

the ladybug     der Marienkäfer

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The ladybug was flying loops around the kitchen.

Der Marienkäfer flog Schleifen durch die Küche.

In addition, two woman were singing songs taken from Vietnamese theater. Again, I don't exactly recall what it was all about, but it seems boring and unimportant from today's point of view.
You don't speak Russian? It's not so easy to speak this. I think, my English isn't very strong at all. But I hope to improve once I have the chance to write someone whose mother language is English...
From there we flew on a day flight to Lima, Peru. We landed around 6 pm, it was already dark. From the airport we took a cab to our hotel (Hotel Carmel) in Miraflores, a beautiful, modern neighborhood.
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