German Dictionary

Translation of opportunity in German

the opportunity     die Chance; die Gelegenheit

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
A swift thief never misses an opportunity to snatch a wrist watch.

Ein eiliger Dieb verpasst keine Gelegenheit eine Armbanduhr zu klauen.
After the harvest, riders have the opportunity to gallop with their horses over the bare fields. Nach der Ernte haben Reiter die Möglichkeit, mit ihren Pferden über die kahlen Felder zu galoppieren.
opportunity cost Opportunitätskosten; Alternativkosten
to provide an opportunity Möglichkeiten bieten
miss an opportunity eine Gelegenheit verpassen
economic opportunity wirtschaftliche Chancen
a good opportunity eine gute Gelegenheit
opportunity Gelegenheit,Chance(1)
opportunity Gelegenheit, Chance
opportunity Gelegenheit; Change
opportunity Chance, Gelegenheit
opportunity Gelegenheit; Chance

In the that time of the year, when I used to go to school, I had to get up very early and leave the house at around seven o'clock in the morning. At this time it was still night, dark and cold outside.
I just came back from Switzerland. Please give me a week to read the material you sent me. How was your time in Switzerland? Rani already asked me yesterday. Tell me when and where. I'll keep Tuesday free.
I found a pair of Nike shoes for a bargain and I do not know until this day why those shoes were so cheap. I am sure that they are not fake, as they are great quality. My wife also bought a pair.
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