German Dictionary
English | German |
Sample sentences: The activation of brain cells leads to better achievements. |
Die Aktivierung von Gehirnzellen führt zu besseren Leistungen. |
Vitamin C deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system. | Vitamin C-Mangel kann zu einem geschwächten Immunsystem führen. |
The litigation took eleven months and finally led to Mirch being acquitted. | Der Prozess dauerte elf Monate und führte schließlich dazu, dass Mirch freigesprochen wurde. |
to lead to; led; led | leiden tot; zu etw. führen |
to lead to; led; led | führen,leiten (zu,nach) |
to run; to lead; to manage | führen; leiten |
lead; led; led | führen; vorangehen |
lead time | Lieferzeit; Bearbeitungszeit |
lead an army | eine Armee anführen |
the lead guitarist | der Frontgitarrist |
to lead, led, led | führen; leiten |
to lead; (*)(1) | führen, leiten |

In addition, two woman were singing songs taken from Vietnamese theater. Again, I don't exactly recall what it was all about, but it seems boring and unimportant from today's point of view.
It is better to loose two dollars than a leg to some stupid crocodile. We moved on and the boat driver took us to a farm close to the floating village. There were all sorts of animals.
And we could not see a thing outside the bus. The bus stopped two hours later at 11pm at our final destination, San Pedro. We took our backpacks and left the bus. The bus drove away into the dark night.
It is better to loose two dollars than a leg to some stupid crocodile. We moved on and the boat driver took us to a farm close to the floating village. There were all sorts of animals.
And we could not see a thing outside the bus. The bus stopped two hours later at 11pm at our final destination, San Pedro. We took our backpacks and left the bus. The bus drove away into the dark night.
English Verbs | ||||
Conjugation of lead [ led, led ] | ||||
German Verbs | Present | Past | ||
Conjugation of führen [geführt] |
führe führst führt führen führt führen | führte führtest führte führten führtet führten | ||
Conjugation of leiten [geleitet] |
leite leitest leitet leiten leitet leiten | leitete leitetest leitete leiteten leitetet leiteten |