German Dictionary

Translation of precision in German

the precision     die Präzision

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nobody ever found out where birds learn to build their nest with such incredible precision.

Niemand hat bisher herausgefunden, wo Vögel lernen, Nester mit einer solchen Präzision zu bauen.
He foresaw the content of the telegram with frightening precision. Er sagte den Inhalt des Telegramms mit erschreckender Genauigkeit voraus.
precise; precision präzis; Präzision
precision präzise

We decided to fly directly to Hanoi and booked a flight for the same day. Before we left we still had some time to visit the War Remnants Museum. One could see the former headquarters of the South.
The next temple was around forty five minutes away. Its name was Beng Melea. It was placed on a hugh area covered with trees and plans. The buildings of the temple were surrounded by nature.
At around 6pm. we were back at the Chilean border and we were happy to change cars (to the mini bus again) and seeing a paved road. It took us another hour to get back to our hotel.
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