German Dictionary

Translation of street in German

the street      die Straße 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The cat is prowling on the streets in search of another cat.

Die Katze streicht auf den Straßen herum, auf der Suche nach einer anderen Katze.
Soldiers with black boots marched the occupied street. Soldaten mit schwarzen Stiefeln marschierten auf der besetzten Straße.
After the catastrophe chaos was governing the streets of New Orleans. Nach der Katastrophe regierte Chaos die Straßen von New Orleans.
high street bank Geschäftsbank; Großbank
the street map(s) der Stadtplan, Stadtpläne
in Sandfield street in der Sandfield-Straße
cross the street die Straße überqueren
cross the street die Strasse überqueren
the next street die nächste straße
the street(s) die Straße, Straßen
in a street; in a road an einer Strasse
high street Haupt(einkaufs)straße

We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
I speak English but it is not good and i know that. Well tell something about you? Can i have your email address because if we chat a little I am sure we can both learn some nice language skills.
We took a very relaxing breakfast and made laundry - by the way the cloths dried within 30 minutes as the humidity was as low as 10% or so and the sun extremely strong at this altitude.
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