German Dictionary

Translation of legendary in German

legendary     legendär; sagenhaft

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
The legendary sword is said to have magical powers.

Das legendäre Schwert soll magische Kräfte haben.
The legendary ten-day lollipop is also sold at Peter's shop. In Peters Laden wird auch der legendäre Zehn-Tage-Lutscher verkauft.

You're from USA right?! You are learning German too? Why? Do you want to go to Germany? I'm from Italy and I used to live in Portugal for a while. Now I'm learning in order not to forget everything I learned there. Are you working?
The bus driver drove so quickly and with extremely dangerous maneuvers. We were so afraid and the other passengers started to scream at the driver which did not help the situation at all.
The hill was not close to the village and we did not have a lot of water with us, so that we were happy when a Brazilian couple took us closer in their rented Jeep. We walked a little further.
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